Scholars continue to single out a compilation containing forty hadiths, on which the fundamentals of religion or a science of the true religion are revolved, and it is a Sunnah that the scholars used to collect forty special science or a specific subject, in order to make it easier for people to memorize the texts of the noble Prophet’s Sunnah. People accept the good, so it is between a Hafiz, a reciter, or an interpreter.Keen to revive this year that has become deserted in these days, because people thought that it was few and rare, only forty Al-Nawwiya was famous among the people, even though there were more than sixty forty authors.This interesting modern field is not the origin of a recent era nor a modern scholar, but rather it is from the time of the followers, as the authorship of these forties began in the second century AH, when Ibn al-Mubarak wrote a book in the forty, and Ibn al-Mubarak followed in the following century a number of scholars who composed a lot in this art Very much, Al-Nawawi, may God have mercy on him, said in the introduction to his forties, “The scholars - may God be pleased with them - have classified in this chapter countless compilations ....” Then he mentioned a party of those who were classified in it, then he said: “And the creatures that cannot be counted among the earlier and later ». And the great number of classification in this section reached the fact that some scholars classified more than one book in the forties, including Ibn Asaker, Ibn al-Mudhaid al-Maqdisi, al-Muheb al-Tabari, al-Dhahabi, al-Ala’i, Ibn Hajar, Yusuf bin Hassan bin Abdul Hadi, and others.Here we are trying to revive those deserted forties to draw attention to them and revive the Sunnah of reading and teaching them.1- She preserved a great deal of hadiths narrated from the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - with their isnads and methods.2- It includes what collects the prophetic texts on a specific topic, which facilitates their study and research.3- It includes many benefits in the science of hadith in chain and chain of transmission, and in the sciences of genealogy, history, translations, and others, which may not be found in other sources.We started with forty affordable preservation related to peoples livelihood and lives, to be a starting point for them, and then proceeded to publish these forties successively according to the body, people, or isnad.We hope the Lord will benefit from it and gain acceptance from the Forgiving Lord